Combination of Hair Lotions, Herbal Baths, Foot Creams and More


Hair rinses are mostly simple herbal infusions or decoctions. They only keep for a few days but
are so simple to make that it is worth brewing a pot of herbal tea to rinse your hair with. These rinses
are not as strong as tonics abd are used for mild conditioning. The tonics are used for specific "cures."

LIME FLOWER INFUSION DThis is an old tried and tested way of keeping hair soft and shiny.
An infusion of birch Leaves or, even stronger, a decoction of Birch Buds will have the same effect.
Birch Sap is an excellent conditioner for the hair. It can be collected in early Spring by making
a deep cut in the tree. Place a bowl beneath the cut to catch the sap. A spoonful of the sap in
the last rinse will act as a splendid Spring cure for your hair.

ARNICA INFUSION (Dandruff & Seborrhoea) Arnica can help prevent dandruff and stimulates
the cirulation of the scalp. Like Peruvian Bark it is used in many commercial hair preparations
and can be obtained from herbalists. Peruvian Bark is one of the most effectives cures for Seborrhoea.
It is also said to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss.


Rinsing your hair with Beer remains one of the simplest ways of giving body
and sheen to your hair. Make sure you use a good quality natural beer. Many beers
sold now are chemically produced and cotain various synthetic ingredients. A micro-brewery is
a good place to start.... and have some fun while you are there!

20g. Rum 25g. Castor oil 25g. Puruvian
Bark 100g. Alcohol
Steep Pervuvian bark in alcohol for 3 days. Sieve. Add other
ingredients. Massage into the scalp twice a week. This is for Seborrhoea and to prevent thinning
PURUVIAN BARK TONIC (b) 60g. Alcohol 10g. Arnica tincture
1 drop Puruvian balsam 30g. Distilled water 3 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
A milder mixture for more delicate skins. Also very aromatic.

Rosemary decotion makes a great hair rinse for people with dark hair.
Lavender, Rose Jasmine and Violet make a lasting fragrant hair rinse.
makes a good rinse for darker hair to give chesnut hightlights.
is an excellent rinse for blond or light hair. Will also improve the condition of oily hair.
Camomile is the best known herb for blond and light brown hair and has a mild
bleaching action. Will impart a rich golden sheen to the hair. (Use 2 tsp. of dried herbs to
1/2 litre of water.)
Rosemary and Red Sage smill deliciously spicy and are good
conditioners. Have a darkening effect if used regularly.
Elderberries give dark
hair intensified color and shine.

Infusions or cold infusions in alcohol of yarrow, rosemary, stinging
nettle, horsetail and chillies can all be added to hair waters and lotions. These herbs are all used
to help prevent seborrhoea. Rosemary, nettles and chillies are also said to stimulate the blood cirulation
and condition the hair and scalp and encourages new hair growth.

