Herbal Skin Lotions & Tonics

WITCH HAZEL AND ROSEWATER TONIC This is the simplest yet one of the best skin tonics. It
is very well known and easy to make. Mix 2 parts Rosewater to 1 part Witch Hazel. This proportions
are for normal to oily skin. For oilier skins, increase amount of Witch Hazel. For dryer skins,
increase the amount of Rosewater.


CUCUMBER TONIC 1 Cucumber Elderflowers Distilled Water Brandy
Peel cucumber
and slice thinly. Place in pan and add enough water to cover it. Simmer until soft. Mash it
and strain through muslin cloth. Press as much of the juice through cloth as you can. Add 1 part
Brandy to 2 parts cucumber juice. Prepare elderflower infusion with 3 flowers to 1/4 litre distilled
water. Add 1 part elderflower infusion to 2 parts cucumber and Brandy mix. An excellent tonic
for troubled skin. Do not use on sensitive skin types.

ORANGE BLOSSOM TONIC 60 g. Orange blossom infusion 35g. Alcohol 2g. Glycerine
Prepare the infusion with 1 tsp. dried orange blossom to 1/4 litre of distilled water. Filter through
muslin or coffee filter. Mix with other ingredients and shake well. A simple and soothing mixture.

ROSEMARY TONIC 1 Small bunch of Rosemary 1/4 Litre Distilled
Water 1/2 Measure Brandy
Simmer fresh Rosemary in mixture of distilled water and Brandy
for 20 minutes. Filter the mixture when cooled. This is an excellent mild face tonic, said to
be an anti-wrinkle solution. The herb, Rosemary is a herb sacred to "rememberance."

HERBAL LOTIONS are the easily made and the simplest way to apply herbs
to the skin. Place the herbs in distilled water and let them sit overnight. Add different herbs
depending on your particular skin type:
YARROW decoction will help to remove blackheads, but
rinse your face well after using this herb and follow with a simple cold cream, since yarrow can
irritate the skin.
Infusions of LOVAGE and VERBENA will help keep the skin free from impurites
as will a infusion made from BORAGE leaves and flowers.
CAMOMILE infusion is invaluable
to clean sensitive skin and will soften and smooth rough irritated skin.
infusion makes not only a delicious and refreshing tea, but can also serve as a complexion rinse.
Will tone up skin and close pores.
A combination complexion lotion made with citrus peel
of LEMONS, GRAPEFRUIT and ORANGES will stimulate and clear the skin.
Put the peel into 4 times
their volume of cold distilled water. Let stand overnight. Filter carefully and place in a bottle
and refrigerate. Apply with cotton twice daily for a bright, clear complexion.


