During the past few years the use of herbs in the kitchen and in the sick-room has regained the popularity
of our early ancestors. The intention of the next few pages is to show you that herbs can also be used
for beauty and personal hygiene. These herbal preparations will help to improve the condition of your
skin, hair, hands and feet.
These natural preparations can not work great miracles, but they
do provide an alternative way to care for your appearance without chemicals, dyes, perfumes and other
additives that can actually harm your hair and skin. Another advantage is they can be made at home with
very little trouble and considerable savings over what you would pay for a commercial product.
men and women can use these products and both sexes benefit equally from these very old and well-tried
and tested remedies.
The ingredients can be purchased from health food stores and the herbs
can either be grown or purchased from herb suppliers. My local health food store, Clark's Nutrition
Center, has all of the ingredients and the herbs I use.
Enjoy making and mixing the herbal preparations
you personally select for yourself. If you have any questions please email me.