Omens signal that Great Mystery Is offering us a clue; If we pay attention,
We may count our victory coup. If we ignore the feelings, Knowing that comes from within, Failing
to follow that wisdom, We've denied the feminine. There's a magic deep inside us That comes
from an open heart; Sister Raven comes flying, To show us intuition's art. If we grasp the messge,
And if we make it our own, The doors of mystery fly open To welcome each seeker home. ~Jamie

Dreaming the World
I have been the sunlight On the open plain, I have seen the
wonders Of earth drinking rain. I have tasted the nectar Of flowers and of dew, I have been
the hummingbird Seeding Love where I flew I have flowed with rivers, Learning the water's songs,
Singing to every canyon, As the river moved along. All these dreams have lifted me Beyond the
worlds I knew Where I have live the harmony Of other Sacred Points of View. ~Jamie Sams~