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Botanical's for ailments F thru R

FEVER; bayberry, birch, capsicum, clove, echinacea, fennel, garlic, gooseberry, lobelia, nettle, pokeroot, poplar, Rocky Mountain raspberry, skullcap, wild licorice, yucca

FLU; aspen, bayberry, capsicum, chokecherry, clove, eucalyptus, fennel, garlic, hemlock, horehound, mullein, pokeroot, thyme, wild lettuce, wild licorice, wild onion

HEADACHE; blue vervain, chokecherry, dandelion, elderberry, lady's slipper, mullein, peppermint, red clover, skullcap, valerian, wild lettuce, yucca

HOARSENESS; bayberry bark, cloves, eucalyptus, ginger, myrrh, white pine

HORMONE IMBALANCE; alfalfa, black cohosh, black mustard, echinacea, fennel, ginseng, goldenseal, horehound, papaya, red clover, watercress, wild licorice


INDIGESTION; bayberry, birch, cramp bark, dandelion, fennel, ginger- root, peppermint, pleurisy root, red clover, rhubarb

INSOMNIA; black cohosh, blue vervain, celery, hops, lady's slipper root, skullcap, valerian root

LAXATIVE; birch, bitterroot, chamomile, elder, fennel, hyssop, peppermint, red clover, rhubarb, slippery elm, thyme, wild licorice, yucca

MEMORY; blessed thistle, blue vervain, capsicum, comfrey, gingerroot, ginseng, gotu kola, lobelia, rosemar

MENTRUAL CRAMPS; blessed thistle, blue cohosh, capsicum, chamomile, cramp bark, false unicorn root, lady's slipper, marshmallow root, skullcap, squaw vine, uva-ursi

MOSQUITO/MOTH REPELLENT; bloodroot, elderberry, palma christi, spleen- wort fern, tansy

NAUSEA; basil, ginger, goldenseal, honey, peppermint, sage, wintergreen

NERVOUS TENSION; bitteroot, black cohosh, blue vervain, cabbage, capsicum, chamomile, comfrey, cramp bark, hops, lady's slipper, lobelia, myrrh, rosemary, sage, valerian

NEURALGIA; alder, alfalfa, black cohosh, chamomile, nettle, peppermint, thyme, wild licorice, winergreen, yellow dock

NOSEBLEEDS; cotton root, shepherd's purse, snakeroot, sumac, willow

PAIN RELIEVER; black cohosh, capsicum, chamomile, cramp bark, elderberry, hops, lady's slipper, lobelia, mullein, nettle, red clover, skullcap, thyme, valerian, wild lettuce, willow, yarrow, yucca

PERSPIRATION (Promote;) burdock, feverbush, horehound, pennyroyal, pleurisy root, sunflower, thyme

POISON IVY/OAK; blue vervain, mandrake root, plaintain sasparilla, soaproot, wild onion, wormwood, yarrow, yellow dock

RELAXANT; black cohosh, blue vervain, cotton root, cramp bark, hops, lady's slipper, lobelia,
redroot, skullcap, valerian.  

RESPIRATORY AILMENTS; Angelica, burdock, chokecherry, coltsfoot, comfrey, eucalyptus, , garlic, horehound, hyssop, lobelia, mandrake root, mullein, pine, pokeroot, sunflower, thyme, wild licorice, witch hazel, yerba santa.

RESTLESSNESS; fennel, hops, lady's sliiper root, lobelia, peppermint, skullcap, valerian

RHEUMATISM; birch, black cohosh, black mustard,
dandelion, eucalyptus, magnolia, nettle, peppermint,
thyme, wintergreen, wormwood, yerbas santa, yucca

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