Botanical's for Common Ailments: A - E

Note: This information is intended as a reference guide and for information purposes only. Please check
with your physician or naturalpath before administering. Do not use if you have any known allergies to
these plants.
ANTIBIOTIC; aloe, aspen, bayberry, birch, clove, dandelion, echinacea root,
elderberry, horsetail, juniper, pine, prickly pear, sage, slippery elm, thyme, wild indigo, yucca.
ARTHRITIS; alfalfa, black cohosh, burdock, chaparral, comfrey, hawthorn, lobelia, nettle, peppermint,
thyme, wintergreen, wormwood, yucca.
BLOOD PRESSURE, (HIGH); black cohosh, blue vervain,
buckthorn, garlic, hyssop, skullcap
BRONCHITIS; angelica, buckthorn, burdock, chamomile, coltsfoot,
comprey, eucalyptus, fennel, garlic, goldenseal, honey, hyssop, lobelia, myrrh, nettle, pleurisy root,
BURNS; aloe, beech, birch, burdock, comfrey, elderberry, horsetail, juniperberry, potatoe,
slippery elm, yarrow
CHOLESTEROL, (TO REMOVE FROM SYSTEM); capsicum, garlic, gingeroot, ginsing,
goldenseal, parsley, yucca
DIARRHEA; bayberry, garlic, myrrh, nettle, oak, peppermint, slippery-
elm bark, squawberry, yerba santa
EAR INFECTION; black cohosh, capsicum, echinacea, garlic,
gingerroot, ginsing, goldenseal, lobelia, wild licorice
ENDURANCE; alfalfa, bitterroot, capsicum,
ginseng, gotu kola, Indian Hemp, watercress
EXHAUSTION; bitterroot, ginseng, gotu kola, Indian
hemp, valerian, watercress
EMPHYSEMA; angelica, bergamot, coltsgoot, comfrey, fennel, garlic,
lobelia, muellein, nettle, pleurisy root, wormwood

The Greatest Medicine Woman of All - "Mother Earth!"
Our Great Mother Earth
provides all that we need to heal ourselves.... and later in this website I will include a section "The
Earth Mother's Pharmacy," but on this page I will concentrate on "Botancials" that were believed to contain
healing properties and used by early native Americans for various illnesses and conditions and are still
being used today.
Since the beginning of time, people have recognized the healing values of various
plants, trees, and flowers that grow around them. While completing my studies on herbs, botanicals and
(believe it or not,) healing weeds, I learned that the most effective plants for us would be those that
grow naturally in our own back yards.
While the Chinese have used herbs to heal their people
for hundreds of years with great success, they chose herbal formulas that grew native in China. They
would not think to come to the United States to select a flower or plant. And Westerner's should use
this same philosophy. Although we can include some Chinese herbs in our choices of herbs that we select
and feel results, we should primarily concentrate on herbs that grow naturally around us in our specific
A simpler example is taught by your pet. When they feel sick they go out in the yard and
eat grass! No one taught them to do this. It is instinct. They know if they eat grass they will feel
better. Maybe we should listen more to our pets?
Early Native American's chose the healing
properties of the plant life that grew around them. They knew that we are connected with the "Earth,"
and it was not neccessary for them to travel far to find all that was needed to feed, fuel and maintain
good health!
As you read through the following treatments you will notice several choices you
can make. Keep in mind the above theory and choose the plants that grow around you.
Betti Bresette bettibresette@hotmail.com Riverside,
CA 92509 United States

Common Ailments are listed in Alphabetical order. To continue to other Pages click on the Sun
icon below.
For ailments not listed here feel free to E-mail me.
