Copy the fragment below and paste it to your page. There are two different examples (each with a transparent
background.) Feel free to make stylistic changes. NOTE: the link colors in the Keepers of Earth Medicine
Ring on your page will be the colors you have defined for your page, and not the link colors you see
Remember: there are three things you need to change in the code:
put your actual e-mail address Where it says [PUT-YOUR-NAME-HERE] put your name. In
the two places where it says [PUT-YOUR-ID-NUMBER-HERE] put your site ID number Remove the brackets
around my messages [PUT -INFO HERE] in the fragments
Example One with Transparent Background (Style shown on my Web Ring Home Page)
<!-- Begin Keepers of Earth Medicine Web Ring Code --> <center><table border="0" cellpadding="10"
cellspacing="1"> <tr><td><center><font size="-1"> <a href=""
target="_top"><img src="wild03sm.jpg" alt="Keepers of Eath Medicine Web Ring" border="0" width="131"
height="151"></a> <br><a href="" target="_top">Member
of the Keepers of Earth Medicine Web Ring</a></font></center></td> <td valign="middle"><font size="2">
<li><a href=";id=[PUT-YOUR-ID-NUMBER-HERE];next"
target="_top">Next site</a> <li><a href=";id=[PUT-YOUR-ID-NUMBER-HERE];skip"
target="_top">Skip next site</a> <li><a href=";id=[PUT-YOUR-ID-NUMBER-HERE];next5"
target="_top">Next 5 sites</a> <li><a href=";id=[PUT-YOUR-ID-NUMBER-HERE];prev"
target="_top">Previous site</a> <li><a href=";list"
target="_top">List sites</a> <li><a href=";random"
target="_top">Random site</a> </font></td></tr></table></center> <!-- End Keepers of Earth Medicine
Web Ring Code -->
Example Two with Transparent Background will give you the example shown below:
<!-- Begin Keepers of Earth Medicine Web Ring Code --> <center><font size="-1"> <a href=""
target="_top"><img src="wild03sm.jpg" width="131" height="151" alt="Keepers of Earth Medicine Web Ring"
border="0"></a> <br> This <a href="" target="_top">Keepers
of Earth Medicine Web Ring</a> site is owned by<br> <a href="mailto:[PUT-YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS-HERE]">[PUT-YOUR-NAME-HERE]</a><br>
<a href="[PUT-YOUR-ID-NUMBER-HERE]&prev"
target="_top">Previous</a> | <a href="[PUT-YOUR-ID-NUMBER-HERE]&next"
target="_top">Next</a> | <a href=";random"
target="_top">Random</a> | <a href=";list"
target="_top">List</a> | <a href="" target="_top">Join
the Ring</a> </font></center> <!-- End Keepers of Earth Medicine Web Ring Code -->